Female photographer sitting with a photography equipment in a studio in black and white
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

It all started when…

Well it’s hard to say really! We’re connected so intimately to photographs as powerful memories but I can remember getting excited about picking up a set of prints from the chemist in town as a little girl and that delight in remembering moments that would otherwise be forgotten.

I’ve always been obsessed with stories. Theatre was my first love - the bodies on stage and the immediacy of the emotion. Then I studied and became a dancer and choreographer for 10 years to express myself through movement and music. This impacts my work now in my interest of the architecture of the body and it’s twists and depths. In my 20s my love for photography was awakened while exploring the vast American vistas as I drove with my fiancée across Route 66. I married that filmmaker and am rediscovering the power of myth in our modern lives. I’m passionate about storytelling and people, almost as much as photography itself!

Shot on a pinhole camera 2008


There is a mantra from the Artist’s way that I whisper to myself before every shoot. I heal myself and others through my creativity. This is the heart of why I do what I do.

Storytelling is powerful and our stories need to be shared. We are living in a time where staying small and quiet is no longer an option. Women’s voices have been silenced for too long.

How many powerful stories lost in the silence?

I want to tell stories that connect with the human soul and psyche. This visual storytelling - a paradox as our stories are written on our very cells, our skin, our complexion - our bodies becoming a voice maybe even louder than our words, reclaiming our truth and bringing new wisdom to a world in crisis.

Are you ready?

So what can you expect from me?

Lots of creativity and colour! My love for photography and aesthetic eye comes from my deep belief of beauty in the everyday and I adore following the rhythms of nature and what each season offers me as an artist. I love demystifying what branding is and making my clients feel completely at ease in front of the camera. Most testimonials are about how surprised my clients are that I can weave this magic 😉

I shoot on a Leica SL2, use mostly natural lighting unless a flash or constant light source can add to the narrative or creativity of the subject.

Female photographer standing in grass holding up camera as if to take a photo shoot on 35mm film analogue camera LEICA

A bit more about me

I live in a leafy suburb of South East London with my Director of Photography husband John and my two gorgeous boys. I actually grew up in Northern Ireland (that must be where the gift of the gab comes from!) but have been in England for half my life. Sometimes I miss the vibrant green fields and beaches but mostly I love being in a great city full of so much culture and energy. Keen DIY-er, 80s rollerskating wannabe and Ennegram 4 with a 3 wing. My favourite TV show is Mad Men and I’m a bit of a deep thinker - you’ll find me reading about philosophy, psychology and neuroscience when I’m not meandering through art galleries.

Donna Ford Personal Branding Photography

And finally…

Well done for reading this far. If you’re just perusing and and know you’ll need photos at a later date, why not keep in touch via Instagram or Linked In. If you’re eager to know more about the client experience then instead of blowing my own trumpet, you can hear kind words from my amazing clients here.

Thanks for stopping by! It’s a pleasure to meet you. I can’t wait for us to collaborate.

Donna x

P.S. I love talking about films. Come join my film club 🍿