In the busyness and craziness of life it’s sometimes hard to slow down and see the beauty that’s right in front of us. It’s a special thing to take some time to be together, explore the glory of nature and have a little fun together. I work in a documentary style with lots of movement and fun activities for little ones so no-one feels pressurised. And stand back and observe as moments unfold.


So whether you are blossoming into motherhood as a Bloomin Mama or want to document your precious Womb Story or freeze a chapter of your life on camera to cherish for years to come with your own Family Story.

It’s such a privilege for a family to invite me and trust me into their world…

In the end, we’ll all become stories
— Margaret ATWOOD

Shoots start from £350 for 12 final photos of your choice from a gallery. Enquire below.